Lawyers For Railroaders Suffering Repetitive Stress Injuries
The human body just wasn’t made to take the constant, repetitive physical stress that workers in a rail yard or in a locomotive engine face every day on the job.
Often referred to as cumulative trauma, some of the most common types of repetitive stress injuries faced by railroad workers after years on the job include:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Regional complex pain syndrome (RCPS)
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
- DeQuervain’s syndrome
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Knee anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear
- Rotator cuff tear
- Sciatica, pinched nerve in the lower back
Repetitive stress injuries are among the most painful, debilitating injuries a worker can suffer, yet they are often the types of injuries rejected when a worker files a FELA claim for medical and disability benefits. At Bremseth Law Firm, in Minnetonka, Minnesota, our lawyers have extensive experience helping injured railroaders fight for the benefits they are entitled to receive. Backed by a record of successful FELA claims and personal injury settlements, our repetitive stress injury claims attorneys are recognized among the national leaders in railroad injury claims.
You Know You Are Injured. We Help You Receive The Benefits You Need.
From wherever you are throughout the country, Central or Western United States, if you are an railroad worker with a repetitive stress injury call us or contact our offices by email today.