Attorneys For People Suffering Amputation Injuries
An amputation isn’t just the loss of a hand, foot or limb; it means a future of pain, medical treatment, loss of mobility and a life-time of changed expectations and opportunities.
Aggressively Representing Injured Parties Throughout The United States
If you suffered an injury that resulted in full or partial amputation, talk to a catastrophic personal injury lawyer at Bremseth Law Firm, in Minnesota. We represent clients in amputation cases across the U.S. We are a nationally-recognized team of trial attorneys with a proud record of successful representation in amputation injuries resulting from:
- Medical errors, unnecessary amputation surgery
- Trucking accidents
- Auto accidents
- Railroad worker injuries on the job
- Motorcycle, boat, ATV and recreational vehicle crashes
- Accidents involving unsafe or defective power tools
- Industrial accidents
- Construction site accidents
- Oil and gas field accidents
- Explosion and burn injuries
Pre-Eminent Personal Injury Litigation Firm
Our attorneys have successfully represented clients in some of the most significant personal injury cases involving railroad accidents in U.S. history. We use our experience and knowledge of trial success in all cases involving personal injury and wrongful death litigation.
We Handle Loss Of Limb Accident Cases Against Large Insurance Companies
We have earned our reputation for excellence because we do not shy away from complex legal cases. We have developed a network of independent investigators, including medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists and life-time compensation professionals to investigate and construct the strongest litigation case possible to help our clients recover the full and fair monetary damages to which they are entitled.
Contact Us: 952-475-2800 Or Toll Free 800-545-3733
Every case is different. Tell us about your circumstances. Call us or send an email with a brief description of your accident and amputation case. We will respond quickly to set up a free consultation at our offices in Minnetonka, your home or a hospital room