Minnesota residents frequently use trains as a means of travel for work and for personal trips. Along with that, there will be a large number of people working on keeping these trains maintained and the tracks operating properly. It is generally known as a safe, affordable and effective way in which to travel. However, the number of train accidents that have occurred recently has put a damper on the feeling of safety. When there is a crash, the victim of a train accident can be seriously injured and even killed as a result.
An Amtrak accident in another state killed two people and injured 35 when the train hit a backhoe that was on the tracks. The individuals who died were construction employees that were close to the backhoe. Approximately 341 passengers and seven train employees were on the train when the crash occurred. At impact, the lead engine of the train derailed. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating why the backhoe was on the tracks, whether there were mechanical issues, if there was a signaling problem and if human error played a part in the deadly train accident. The train was traveling from New York to Georgia.
Train passengers and railroad employees must be on constant alert of the dangers they face. Passengers who are injured in a train accident can be confronted with a long hospital stay, the need for rehabilitative care and perhaps the requirement of long-term assistance. Railroad employees who are injured could find themselves unable to work and support their families. If there is a death, the family left behind will have to deal with the emotional, personal and financial burdens that accompany an untimely accident and fatality.
Those who are affected by a train accident might not understand the long-term ramifications. If there were injuries or deaths, they might think that insurance and other methods of compensation will take care of whatever needs arise. However, that is not always the case. An injured accident victim and the family of those who died in this particular crash need to make certain that a full investigation commences to determine exactly what happened. In addition, speaking to a legal professional experienced with helping those who have suffered a loss due to a train accident can help victims determine whether to pursue compensation through a legal filing.
Source: CNN, “Amtrak restores service after fatal crash; investigation continues,” Dana Ford, Holly Yan and David Shortell, April 4, 2016